Saturday, May 31, 2014
Patricia Chamless Says Ok to Punch Customers ?
May 31, 2012 John Liu Called For a Criminal Investigation on 911 Now We know NYPD Chief Dowd took gifts from Contractor Verizon
May 31, 2012 John Liu Called For a Criminal Investigation on 911 Now We Know NYPD Chief Dowd took gifts from Contractor Verizon
Where is our criminal investigation all these years it's been obvious we need one simple math....
I guess city Council aren't the brightest light bulbs or is it that they're trying to protect the fact that they dropped the ball.. Majority of city council (almost) as guilty as Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly but when the truth finally comes out they will blame Bloomberg and Kelly when city Council could've stopped this years ago.
Reminder Christine Quinn brushed aside two investigations into SAIC (CityTime Scandal) with the majority of city councils help.
911 calls reveal confusion about address in Staten Island fire that seriously injured nun
May 31, 2012 2 year anniversary of John Liu's press release that Scott Stringer removed Jan 2014 calling for a criminal investigation in to contractors HP, Verizon and Northrop Grumman allegedly over billing -- since than we have learned NYPD Chief Dowd and other NYPD took gifts from VERIZON and Dowd hosted a board meeting at FristNet and sits on the board of FirstNet.
Are you kidding me! I can't make it today to testify today but I testified last year and had a run in with the infamous NYPD Chief Dowd who refused to take my written testimony, my request for Mark Carson's ambulance ride response time, and an NYPD FOIL that shows an ambulance went to the wrong address for a 75 year old man that tried to testify we need a hospital not Rudin luxury condos but Chris Quinn locked out her community in the freezing cold. Nothing has changed STILL NO DEMAND FOR A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND WHY? ASK CITY COUNCIL ALL THESE YEARS AND NO DEMAND BY CITY COUNCIL FOR AN INVESTIGATION! THIS IS BIGGER THAN CITYTIME! 911 Tech Corrupt City Council No Call Criminal Investigation 2014!
I have me yelling down Bloomberg at the New School and The NY Times and no one in the press has challenged Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly on 911 even now with the Chief Dowd scandal so I am asking if Ray Kelly's friends in the media are protecting him and Bloomberg?
hardee har har....
I am suing in Federal Court and I allege the NYPD IAB NYC Gov retaliated against me for being a whistle blower.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Patricia Chamless Mentally Ill Cyber Stalker or her Identity Stolen to Blame a Victim of Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks?
Patricia Chamless Mentally Ill Cyber Stalker or her Identity Stolen to Blame a Victim of Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks?

Who gets to repeatedly violate a patient rights and than repeatedly violate a patient's
body -- my hand/iphone, my face permanently damaging my eye, ripping out my
earring, grabbing my hair ripping out my hair with the goal to drag my down the hall
and place her bare foot against my vaginal area and LIE ABOUT it all including to her
NYPD helpers who sealed her false cross complaint instead of bringing it
to the DA and they threatened me with it first insisting I wait until 20 days
later for a arrest on Saturday at 4pm unless I dropped the charges?
Delita Hooks.
Thanks and gratitude to a mosaic of People all colors and backgrounds male and female who helped me obtain just a little bit of Justice via YouTube aka YouTubeland helping me break 22,000 views to shame Dr Andrew Fagelman who ignored how many yelp reviews regarding his staff and I paid the price with a hole in my retina and permanent damage to my eye and my neck.
Than I went to the NYPD and took 20 days to commit the crime of COERCION.
Coercion is a crime not a policing tool.
Internal Affair also turned out to be corrupt as well so thanks and gratitude.
I believe the NYPD via YouTube posted a comment telling me my lawsuit against them would go no where -- the same words I heard when I tried to report the savage attack.
Well the lawsuit is now past the 9 month mark so what ever the Judge rules it has gone some where and there is a Federal record of what was done to me and via their lawyer I got more incriminating evidence including NYPD DOCUMENTS which are fabrication and from NYPD officers that NEVER MET WITH ME!!!!!!!!
911 Tech Corrupt City Council No Call Criminal Investigation 2014!
May 31, 2012 tomorrow 2 year anniversary of John Liu's press release that Scott Stringer removed Jan 2014 calling for a criminal investigation in to contractors HP, Verizon and Northrop Grumman allegedly over billing -- since than we have learned Chief Dowd and other NYPD took gifts from VERIZON and Dowd hosted a board meeting at FristNet and sits on the board of FirstNet.
Are you kidding me! I can't make it today to testify today but I testified last year and had a run in with the infamous Chief Dowd who refused to take my written testimony, my request for Mark Carson's ambulance ride response time, and an NYPD FOIL that shows an ambulance went to the wrong address for a 75 year old man that tried to testify we need a hospital not Rudin luxury condos but Chris Quinn locked out her community in the freezing cold. Nothing has changed STILL NO DEMAND FOR A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND WHY? ASK CITY COUNCIL ALL THESE YEARS AND NO DEMAND BY CITY COUNCIL FOR AN INVESTIGATION! THIS IS BIGGER THAN CITYTIME! 911 Tech Corrupt City Council No Call Criminal Investigation 2014!
I have me yelling down Bloomberg at the New School and The NY Times and no one in the press has challenged Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly on 911 even now with the Chief Dowd scandal so I am asking if Ray Kelly's friends in the media are protecting him and Bloomberg?
hardee har har....
I am suing in Federal Court and I allege the NYPD IAB NYC Gov retaliated against me for being a whistle blower.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Seth Wolkoff Testify Under Oath For Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies and Blaming the Victim

Lanny Davis Lawyer R U Going to Apologize to Bernie Kerik?
Lanny Davis is Joe Tacopina like a bad tattoo you can't quite remove?
Is he lie an STD for life?
Lanny Davis Suzannah Troy Asks for Comment on Tacopina re Kerik's AudioTape!
Saturday, May 24, 2014
NYPD Ray Kelly Chief Dowd 911 Scandals Gifts v FirstNet Verizon NYPD Chief Dowd Gifts?
Why haven't we learned the name of the other top NYPD brass that took gifts from Verizon...
Did top brass at Verizon give NYPD Chief Dowd Gifts re: FirstNet?
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Bad Review Want Patient's Photos Beyond Office Violence and Lies
Well now they want to take your photo..... Maybe they taught Dr Andrew Fagelman it is okay to violate patients rights and repeatedly violating a patients body at Buffalo Medical school?
School teachers, Mom's and Dad's explain Delita Hooks violent unprofessional behavior to kids.
Honest cops admit she committed the crime of assault and walking in to the precinct filing a false cross complaint but only dirty cops involved in coercing and threatening the victim.
So happy to read the new review on Yelp. I am in federal court suing the NYPD and Internal Affair for their role in this office violence, threats etc. and it has been 10 months. The NYPD IAB now say the case is open but they won't do anything until my lawsuit is over. I also want to sue Dr FAgelman so if anyone will come forward and testify he knew about her temper please contact me.
Delita Hooks violent liar confident she can lie to the NYPD and the NYPD and Internal Affairs will protect that doctor's office like they get VIAGRA from the NYPD or something because Dr Andrew Fagelman did not fire the unprofessional violent liar so the NYPD sure did Dr Fagelman a favor didn't they?
- Miss G.
- Manhattan, NY
- 3 friends
- 22 reviews
Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks Bad Review Want Patient's Photos Beyond Office Violence and Lies
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Bad Review Want Patient's Photos Beyond Office Violence and Lies
I paid $15 to corrupt NYPD to get her false cross complaint which proves she lied to the NYPD and they used it to threaten me and than sealed her crime in under 1 year along with the NYPD crime of coercion.
I went in to see Dr F for a face rash, the receptionist insisted that she take my picture for their files as part of new patient registration. I explained that I was there for a rash on my face, asking to take my picture was a little insensitive. I refused to let her take my picture, she insisted explaining that it was for security purposes. I could hear her and her little posse of rap video trash in pink scrubs making fun of me as soon as I was out of sight.
Dr F's assistant was great and very empathetic.
Dr F is um... awkward. I felt so uncomfortable around him. I got the sense that he had no clue what he was talking about. He just sat at his desk clicking around on his huge Apple computer. I wanted to ask him if he was googling my symptoms!
I could not get out of there fast enough, it wasn't pleasant. I don't expect a visit to the doctor to be a day at the beach, that said the receptionist had epic amounts of sand in her panties.