Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dr Andrew Fagelman Violated Hippocratic Oath?

3:45 am PTS Amoral Corrupt Dr Fagelman w/ Violent liar Delita Hooks Watch her and Ray Rice Proof #NYPD DA IAB Corrupt Criminal as Well

Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks very sick amoral? Yes in my opinion.  She made a hole in my retina from a running punch to my eye  and then grabbed  my hair jerking my neck back to trying drag me by my hair to the elevator hurt neck and created floaters  permanent damages that has to be monitored especially the hole in my retina that developed into a macular pucker.  

Ask the Manhattan DA about the two videos.   Ask them is it normal for a receptionist office manager to come out from behind a desk  repeatedly violated my patients rights repeatedly  violated patient's body repeatedly be permanent damage to their eye and neck I can barely turn my neck I can turn it but it's really painful in the range of motion is limited.  I am traumatized and damaged for life not only from the doctor before the New York Police Department an internal fares but ask the Manhattan DA about the video below and why they think she is not been fired or arrested.  If they say I drop charges they were notified that I was threatened that I feared for my safety which is stated in the police report and then I can prove that the NYPD lied and police reports they threatened me and force me against my will to drop charges.  

Ron Kuby letter shorthand for my client is being coerced to drop charges 3rd degree NYPD IAB da prevented me from filing 2nd degree menacing and false cross complaint against her  but it gets better my attacker threatens me yet again in a signed letter that internal affairs read to me but they didn't think that was strange or wrong.  That is how corrupt a moral and criminal the internal affairs and amoral.  

I called Cy Vance's office over a year and half ago and than went to the Attorney General Investigative Unit and they sent me back to the Manhattan DA who turned me away and than I filed a complaint with the AG.  Stay tuned more to come...violence to women and the misogyny fixing and favors that go on?

Two videos -- in my case the NYPD and Internal Affairs all saw the running punch to my head -- Deilta Hooks aimed for my left eye making a hole in my retina....she did not succeed in her goal to knock me out and drag me by hair to the elevator floor -- she didn't get me to the ground but she did a running punch as I held bags.

I am alleging the Manhattan DA was notified over a year and a half ago and turned me away when I reported the NYPD threatened me and coerced me -- I was lucky to not end up with more damage than the hole in my retina, floaters an abundance and cervical damage but I could have ended up DEAD like ERIC GARNER.