Saturday, September 13, 2014

Ray Rice – The Botched NFL Investigation, DA Dr Fagelman's Ray Rice of reception Desk Delita Hooks Running Punch Proves DA , NYPD IAB Worse than NFL

Manhattan DA even worse than NFL Ray Rice of medical reception desks Delita Hooks NYC:  Running punch to my head at Dr Andrew Fagelman's not fired or arrested Dr. Fagelman Assault Receptionist Delita Hooks Attacks Patient False Cross Complaint NYPD Fixed!
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you. 
Vid 4 second highlights VineThe Ray Rice of medical desks and the NYPD and Internal Affairs did Dr Andrew Fagelman 155 Spring St a favor since he did not fire the violent lying receptionist.  At least Ray Rice did not complete lie including in police reports and in a signed letter to his NYPD fixers like Delita Hooks did.  Watch a receptionist office manager get paid to punch a patient a running punch to my head and than tried to drag me by hair to the elevator. 

Ray Rice – The Botched NFL Investigation, DA Dr Fagelman's Ray Rice of reception Desk Delita Hooks Running Punch Proves DA , NYPD IAB Worse than NFL

Not fired or arrested and the Manhattan DA is like the NFL but worse in my opinion.