Bloomberg Newzzz, winning was a snooze. City Hall is rife with corruption; city council members & aides caught stealing tax payers money- to the pension fund scandals. City Councils' votes to extend term limits are tainted & must be tossed out!
Suzannah B. Troy is a NYC artist & paints with words. "Thanks to the Bloomberg administration, I went to bed in the East Village, my home of 20 years and woke up in bad xerox of mid-town turning into a bad xerox of Dubai."
911 Tech Corruption
Scott Stringer is not qualified to be NYC gov comptroller but thanks to back room deals and fixing and favors he got the job. He removed John Liu's Press Release from May 31, 2012 asking for a criminal investigation in to 911. Cy Vance said there is no need for one. Truth is yes there is and we need yet another new audit of 911 and for years before the first audits we needed a criminal investigation in to 911 and we still do. We also need an audit and investigation in to 311 spending and Board of Election, NYCAPS, NYCWiNS, FDNY Wireless, etc.
Ron Kuby Wins Big Case For Whistle Blowers First Amendment. Note I do not condone using fake accounts and harassing People especially victims of crime but I do call it a win in case a dirty cop like Det John Vergona and his dirty protectors including KKK Ray Kelly ever try to say that my blogging using my real name is harassment. Well done Ron.
The criminal defense lawyer William Kunstler used to say, “This is New York and there’s no law against being annoying.”
Mr. Kuby, who as a young lawyer had worked in a firm with Mr. Golb, said the ruling “removed one of the government’s most powerful tools of censorship, one that is used against the poor and disenfranchised who call officials and complain.”
Thanks Ron - I will use the Kunstler quote -- front page of my new lawsuit next year against the city of NY Bill Bratton and internal affairs Chief Reznick as well as dirty cop Det John Vergona and supervisors etc. re Delita Hooks Dr Andrew Fagelman NYPD IAB fixing and retaliation.
I do not believe in using a series of fake names and threatening Peopks not ok. Speaking up is important. I am sure Nazis claimed Jews annoying or down South Black's annoying.
My attacker was told not to contact me and I allege she has via people on her behalf coming to my channel blaming me for her indefensible violence and lies as an employee of Dr Andrew Fagelman and that is I allege aggravated harassment and witness tampering. In my opinion Dr Andrew Fagelman guilty - he took Hippocratic Oath and violated it not firing her. I talk about it because I'm a victim and he's harmony but I alleged his patients on his behalf have come and harass me when again his employee was told not to contact me a while which he is involved in directly via agents of his employee and him of aggravated harassment and allegedly also witness tampering.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Ray Kelly Charles Campisi NYPD Internal Affairs Violated Their Oaths My Rights Violence Lies Video
I was coerced by Det John Vergona. This is not debatable it's the truth and the fact that I Court Internal Affairs pretending it's not so proving internal affairs I'm going culture and history of protecting corruption not rooting it out.
It's 3:30 in the morning and I wake up and cannot get back to sleep almost 2 years later. I should have some news coming soon stay tuned.
I have police reports where caught them lying. When Detective John Vergona called me the first thing he tried to do is get off the phone if I let him he would've lied and said I don't want to talk to him.
That is the culture at the New York Police Department lies dishonesty and coercion to lower crime statistics. The fact that I've caught internal affairs including now under Bill Bratton and Chief Reznick extremely poorly run department that we know the truth if confronted with the truth because "collaborative policing" Mr Bratton and Susan Howard's new term is a blue wall of corruption.
Susan Howard would not actually get on the phone with me but when you call her office they say collaborative policing. Sounds like a Nazi term. She said via her police officer answering the phone that my case is an issue of corruption it's being investigated not her issue well I don't believe my case is been investigated but rather a long devoted hate crime with one goal to close it and make it disappear.
Below is an old post the YouTube has over 24,000 views and please continue to help...
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Repeatedly Violated Patient Rights Patient's Body breaks 20,000 Views
Thank you so much, Blessings, thanks, gratitude for helping this YouTube to Break 20,000 views to expose Dr Andrew Fagelman who never noticed Delita Hooks berated patients despite even critical yelp reviews and her behavior is shocking but he did not fire her and the NYPD threatened me violently verbal violence and coerced but it took days and the hole in my retina from Delita Hooks long running punch to my eye that also makes the camera shut off made a hole in my retina as well as her grabbing my hair savagely damaged my cervical spine so I had more problems than corrupt dirty cops threatening and fixing for the Soho doctor's office violence and an MD that did not want to fire her. Gee I wonder why? Does she know where the bodies are buried because she wasn't shy about violating my patient rights repeatedly and my body or is it something else?
Thanks again and I hope you all will help me continue to make this YouTube go viral. The Federal Lawsuit is still on going and I have submitted abusive comments on behalf of those involved to Internal Affairs etc.
I am told the case is now open but the NYPD is not doing anything if they do anything at all until after my lawsuit and lawyers said that is NYPD just making yet another excuse.
The NYPD interfered with/ violated my Constitutional Rights and due process. I called the DA and the Attorney General's office told me to go back to the DA that turned me away and told me IAB had to contact them. Thanks to Dr Fagelman and corrupt cops I feel so traumatized beyond the horrific unprofessional and lying violent Delita Hooks. At least she isn't abusing patients anymore and if she hits anybody else she may not get fixing and favors and threat victims yet again in a letter to the NYPD ever again?
The video above is prove of assault and a false cross complaint...
I want to upgrade to assault second degree but so far the NYPD keep making excuses why I can't -- the newest because I am suing. I was a patient the medical offices in Soho.
The NYPD sealed her false cross complaint but there was also a letter to her NYPD Pals who sealed her false cross complaint in under 1 year and in the letter she further HARASSES and THREATENS ME and reminder Det John Vergona also harassed me and threatened me... and isn't that witness tampering but there was a lot of witness tampering involved including the NYPD, IAB and YouTube comments on behalf of all involved?
Still no ARRESTS of Delita Hooks and Det Vergona and all NYPD and IAB involved but the NYPD know a lot about crime and covering up for the Blue Wall of Corruption as well as NYPD PBA and Internal Affairs Bureau fixing and favors?
Call 1-800- NYPD PBA IAB fixing and favors....
I want the phone records, and IAB notes as well as NYPD regarding my case and all players involved files on them....yes I do and subpoena power if not now than when I get a new Commission in to NYPD and Internal Affairs Bureau corruption. Thanks again for helping this YouTube to break 20,000.
The video above is prove of assault and a false cross complaint...
I want to upgrade to assault second degree but so far the NYPD keep making excuses why I can't -- the newest because I am suing. I was a patient the medical offices in Soho.
Dr Andrew Fagelman told my private investigator I was not his patient and he never met me. Now my MD that shared the office demanded Delita Hooks be fired. Dr FAgelman does not know his receptionist office manager is not allowed to violate other patients of MD's that share the office -- he doesn't know Delita Hooks is not allowed to violate other patient's rights repeatedly as well as their bodies. Dr Fagelman said he could not comment on whether he spoke to the police.
Not one woman in that video asked are you all right. I do not know their names and I only learned Delita Hooks after the NYPD coerced me to drop charges on Saturday Oct 20th so the NYPD broke the law as well as coercion is a serious crime not a policing tool.
Ron Kuby blog post has a two paragraphs up top a must read about Det John Vergona threatening me -- how even the NYPD police report states I feared for my safety and how the NYPD and IAB are using Ron's letter but the letter is like a NEON sign I WAS COERCED vs my attacker's letter that threatens me and harasses me yet again but right in a letter to her NYPD pals that sealed her false cross complaint with her crime of coercion.
Sergey Aleynikov Court Ruling Bad News for Cy Vance Judge Zweibel?
Court Ruling Favors Former Goldman Sachs Programmer
- read the article it is a rebuke out Feds, US Attorney and weakens Cy Vance and Judge Zweibel's witch hunt on behalf of Goldman Sachs in my opinion oh yeah my blog is an opinion blog.
My goal street aka citizen journalism to expose corruption, crime and abuse and share beautiful happenings NYC.
After my patient rights repeatedly violated provoked to try and get help and I couldn't I started to film. Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying receptionist Delita Hooks could have closed the door but decided to repeatedly violate my body and make a hole in my retina.
I guess they don't teach the Hippocratuc oath and Hippa violations at Buffalo College in NY the med school Dr Fagelman attended.
It is almost like Dr Andrew Fagelman's is the proctologist for bad ass NYPD brass or cured an out break of the clap for the NYPD but too date the NYPD, Internal Affairs, Dr Andrew Fagelman and even a few wealthy white patients including a Patricia Charmless of Bond realty that I allege have harassed me and blamed me for Delita Hooks insanely unprofessional behavior and extreme violence that caused permeant damage to my retina and neck when she did a running punch to my head targeting my left eye. With out surgery I could have lost my vision in my eye.
Thank you for helping me break 24,000 views and please continue to help me to make this you to go viral until I get justice.
Thank you and I want to say thanks and gratitude !!!!!
Delita Hooks lied in her false cross complaint she filed the day after me and she lied in a signed letter to her NYPD fixers threatening me yet again IF I EVER DARE COME FORWARD YET AGAIN TO REPORT THAT SHE ASSAULTED ME -- SHE TELLS HER NYPD FIXERS IN A LETTER SHE SIGNED SHE WILL FILE YET ANOTHER (FALSE) CROSS COMPLAINT AGAINST ME HER VICTIM.
LET'S SHOW THIS VIDEO TO UNDERCOVER BOSS, TLC AND ANY MD IN AMERICA THAT DOES NOT WORK WITH DR. ANDREW FAGELMAN AT 155 SPRING ST. LET'S SHOW THIS VIDEO TO BETH ISRAEL MD'S AND NYU LANGONE MD'S. Dr Fagelman does not need to go undercover as he seen this video he spoken to my private investigator and he is read how many yelp reviews that expose her and the staff as well as him so problem is him as much as her.
Did they not teach the Hippocratic oath at Buffalo medical school?
The video above is prove of assault and a false cross complaint...
I want to upgrade to assault second degree but so far the NYPD keep making excuses why I can't -- the newest because I am suing. I was a patient the medical offices in Soho.
The NYPD prevented me from reporting an alleged HATE crime by the detective that was supposed to investigate my case Det John Vergona pre- lawsuit, also they prevented me from reporting the false cross-complaint - I have audio proof which contradicts what the New York Police Department's lawyer stated to me on the phone attempting to defend her client Sgt Chen. I have audio of IAB Sgt Mary O'Donnell stating case closed. FYI the case is open. I have NYPD documents that prove Det Vergona and Lt Burgos lied about me. Lt Burgos never even contacted me refuse to answer emails asking for batch number.
Lt Agnes never contacted me. Reported my allegations unfounded and he is from "the integrity bureau.
Before I was attacked - note all the bags and FYI my arm was numb with 2 injections in my elbow as well as I held my phone as she repeatedly attacked me.
Det Vergona asked me why did you walk by her.
I responded if you kept your word and went to the office as he said she would know she sits at the very front of a long post office and desk....
Exclusive 911 Tech Corruption Dept of Investigation Contacted in 2008 and 2014 Still No Criminal Investigation Thank Preet Bharara, Cy Vance, Team Bloomberg, Ray Kelly, DOI, City Council
Exclusive from yesterday my exclusive Dept of Investigation Déjà Vu contacted same complaint to away into 14 but the 214 complain is anonymous.
No criminal investigation in to 911 - you can thank mayor Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly who defended the collapse of 911 under hurricane Sandy. You can thank Dept of Investigation, DOITT who I allege knew it.
You can thank Preet Bharara who was contacted by the 911 whistleblower, Cy Vance who refused John Liu's request for a criminal investigation ( press release May 31, 2012 remove by Scott Stringer Jan 2014 as soon as the back room dealing stringer comes into power). You can thank the majority of City Council not calling for a criminal investigation in to 911 -- current administration included, Rose Gill Hearn mayor Bloomberg's head of Department of investigation who received two kickback appointments from Mike so that leads us with the question is the new head of Department of investigation Mark Peters going to fall in line and not call for criminal investigation?
In an absurd exchange that could've been out of a movie or sick, Mr. peters would not get on the phone with me but help the conversation via his secretary telling me I had a report 911 Tech Corruption to Internal affairs.
I decided to audiotape two voicemails to Mr. Peters one informing him about Mr Bratton and Mr Dowd hosted a board meeting for FirstNet at one police Plaza have not heard back from Mr. peters or anyone at Dept investigation. The second was on 911 since mayor Deblasio now said Mr. peters is in charge of 911 investigation. Silence from DOI and then I learned this information!!!!
Exclusive 911 Tech Corruption Dept of Investigation Contacted in 2008 and 2014 Still No Criminal Investigation Thank Preet Bharara, Cy Vance, Team Bloomberg, Ray Kelly, DOI, City Council
Exclusive from yesterday my exclusive Dept of Investigation Déjà Vu contacted same complaint to away into 14 but the 214 complain is anonymous.
No criminal investigation in to 911 - you can thank mayor Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly who defended the collapse of 911 under hurricane Sandy. You can thank Dept of Investigation, DOITT who I allege knew it.
You can thank Preet Bharara who was contacted by the 911 whistleblower, Cy Vance who refused John Liu's request for a criminal investigation ( press release May 31, 2012 remove by Scott Stringer Jan 2014 as soon as the back room dealing stringer comes into power). You can thank the majority of City Council not calling for a criminal investigation in to 911 -- current administration included, Rose Gill Hearn mayor Bloomberg's head of Department of investigation who received two kickback appointments from Mike so that leads us with the question is the new head of Department of investigation Mark Peters going to fall in line and not call for criminal investigation?
In an absurd exchange that could've been out of a movie or sick, Mr. peters would not get on the phone with me but help the conversation via his secretary telling me I had a report 911 Tech Corruption to Internal affairs.
I decided to audiotape two voicemails to Mr. Peters one informing him about Mr Bratton and Mr Dowd hosted a board meeting for FirstNet at one police Plaza have not heard back from Mr. peters or anyone at Dept investigation. The second was on 911 since mayor Deblasio now said Mr. peters is in charge of 911 investigation. Silence from DOI and then I learned this information!!!!
Reminder my blog exclusively reported Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn received emails from a whistleblower re HP and 911 in 2008.
Mayor Bloomberg forwarded the email to DOI and than continued pushing HP like he did SAIC. DOI turned away whistleblowers on CityTime and 911. DOI said whistleblowers allegations unfounded despite overwhelming proof. Later John Liu's audit would validate whistle blower and therefore proved DOI covered up for HP. Ask Mike Bloomberg who appointed HP biggies to NY Pension board and gave HP the 911 contract when HP had no 911 tech experience like Chief Dowd!!!!
Mark Peters blew me off in 2014 but heard on the street Dept of Investigation had a serious case of déjà vu and this time anonymously was sent the same intel from 2008.
In 2009 DOI lawyers met with the whistleblower and this is under Rose Gill Hearn and despite overwhelming evidence said allegations unfounded.
Reality John Liu's audit, Paul Cosgrove, and another tip this blog received all verify the whistleblower was in fact telling the truth.
NYPD creative policing from the same (I allege corrupt) Detective squad that threatened me after my eye damaged at attack at Dr Andrew Fagelman's at 155 Spring St and Cy Vance Manhattan DA who prevented me from directly reporting assault, false cross complaint after NYPD got creative with me threatening me etc. (NYPD threats and coercion) I allege involved in silencing 2,whistle blowers on 911 using creative policing in both cases.
The whistleblower contacted Preet Bharara years ago and he chose to protect Team Bloomberg like Bharara did on CityTime.
I also learned the alleged HP crook that was overbilling from the beginning switched companies when HP lost the contract and secured another contract for company that is working on 911!!!!!
I bet this time he's not overbilling!!!! Or is he just a little.
All this was done in plain sight and anyone who could do simple math knew.
DOITT knew it for sure.
911 when overbudget $1 billion so that there was a whole lot of stealing going on in my opinion; not just HP.
Mike Bloomberg was so worried but my blog post he was fearful that he would be boot so you wrote this pathetic speech that proves my point even more about one of the worst mayors in NYC with the largest Tax Payer Titanic corruption ever in NYC mostly tech contracts and hugely Defense Contractors Ray Kelly and Mike Bloomberg hoped would help them get jobs in The White House and continue on their relationships. Mike Bloomberg's work to silence critics has been Orwellian so to hear him express fear he would be silenced booed down is laughable. The media silenced whistle blowers on corruption and all Mike 'a critics.
As more information gradually leaks out the public will finally learn how Teflon Guilty than mayor Mike Bloomberg and police commissioner KKK Ray Kelly are re: 911 Tech corruption.
If KKK Ray had gotten the Homeland Security it would have been a huge embarrassment not only for KKK Ray Kelly and Bloomberg's role in attempting to violate the overwhelming abuses including of the Constitution that also their role in covering up 911 tech corruption. They appointed frauds that's never been head of them for nation technology division -- who's best qualification was who they knew whose family they were part of.
Ray Kelly took gifts from Mike Bloomberg , free rides on Air Bloomberg and NYPD Chief Dowd in my opinion also a corrupt cop who fixed crime like my case now in Federal Court.
Mike Bloomberg ask like he has dementia which should be his defense if 911 trial ever happens and Preet Bharara is no longer in office to protect him and Rose Gill, Hearn, City Council, Mark Page a Harvard Grad who all could not do simple math considering 911 was over budget 1 billion tax payer dollars and one of many in a sea of Tax Payer Titanics Mike Bloomberg a fraud -- a little naked Emperor with no clothes allowed -- including Board of Election pathetic tech deal, FDNY Wireless, NYCAPS, 311, NYCWINS, etc. Even mayor Bloomberg 's favorite non- profit Seedco was stealing.
Mike Bloomberg rewarded a culture of corruption and a revolving door of corruption.
Mike Bloomberg should've been booed down and he wasn't as it takes courage to boot down a corrupt despot or politician or billionaire who confident he is above the law.
I booed Mike Bloomberg at press conferences only to be moved off public sidewalks. You can hear me ask a security isn't this America aren't sidewalks free and public spaces?
Not to worry -- like Harvard students the press are well-trained puppies and protected Mike Bloomberg from any unpleasantness.
Ask Mike why it is okay to try and beat me to a pulp at Dr Fagelman's at 155 Spring St. and for KKK Ray Kelly's thugs to threaten me and seal my attacker's false cross complaint after using it to threaten me with a weekend in jail.
Ask Mike why my entire YouTube channel and a Wikipedia page on censorship for being a critic of Bloomberg was deleted after being cyber vandalized.
"A New York City Department of Investigation inquiry has implicated Charles J. Hynes, the former Brooklyn district attorney, in the improper use of money seized from drug dealers and other criminal defendants to pay a political consultant more than $200,000 for his work on Mr. Hynes’s unsuccessful re-election campaign last year." Excerpt: Above and tomorrow on my blog how Dept of Investigation may not be doing their job yet again on 911 tech corruption --- I have an exclusive -- stay tuned.... Laughing -- tried to post this on The NY Times website 15 minutes ago. Of course Charles Hynes wouldn't want to be interviewed by me a whistle blower.
Thank you for your submission. We'll notify you at sb*** when your comment has been approved.
Suzannah B. Troy
New York
Shocking...Charles Hynes press people had me write a script of what I would ask Mr. Hynes for my YouTube documentary to re-instate NYPD Hero Joe Sanchez who was set-up by drug dealers and allegedly Internal Affairs cops 30 years ago. Mr. Hynes refused my interview even when I promised not to ask any questions that would make him uncomfortable like his friendship with Vito Lopez. I told Joe Sanchez about this NY Times article and said Joe, this is not a practical joke even though it sounds like! You are lucky the young Charles Hynes wrote this letter on your behalf to the juror, AnnaBell Washburn, I interviewed 30 years later who still is calling for Joe Sanchez's honorable reinstatement.
The New York Post has a good piece on it!!!!!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!
Passionate letters published in The Financial Times re: Lucien Freud, my art and women's issues, The Wall St. Journal"Betrayal at Ground Zero", The Chief, The New York Times (9),Crains "NYU's Logo should be a dorm with a dollar", The New York Sun, The New York Post, The New York Daily News, Metro, AMNY, The Village Voice "Carbon Copy" letter of the week, Newsday, Jerusalem Post, my blog mentioned New York Mag Intelligencer neighborhood watch. Got speed bumps for Anna Silver School & doors for women's bathroom Tompkins. Donated my white blood cells twice to help a little girl fight Non-Hodgkins & man w/Lymphoma. Two hour process & you can only do it 12 x in your life. Too worn out to donate now. Way back Liz Smith mentioned me & my favorite zen quote "Live each moment as if your hair is on fire." which means live in the moment like it is your last aka live life passionately!
I am really proud to say I have run 2 New York City Marathons!!! Also to have done volunteer work with pre-school handicap children at Rusk. NYTimes My YouTube work 1) Giuseppi Logan’s Second Chance 2)Mysterious Mr. Rechnitz
Suzannah B. Troy
New York