Tuesday, April 15, 2014

CityTime Sentencing Preet Bharara to Denault Drop Dead in Prison as Preet issues get out of jail free cards?

Gerald Denault SAIC Crook CityTime will die in Prison if Preet Bharara Has his way as Top Officials NYC Gov SAIC enjoy Teflon Get out of jail free cards

I am not sympathetic to Gerald Denault whose health is lousy and can't survive a long prison sentence but I do know there's a lot more guilty crooks involved at SAIC and NYC gov officials including before he was hired...

911 is even bigger then CityTime crime and I believe 311 may even be the second-largest although I cannot get any info on 311 these are the top three in my opinion and a long list of taxpayer Tech Titanic's under Mayor Michael Bloomberg.  

Mike Bloomberg rewarded a revolving door of corruption and a culture of failure.  

If Mike Bloomberg did that in his own private empire he would be living in a homeless shelter poverty level.  

Instead he and in my opinion fake poser Preet Bharara are speaking at Harvard.  

Cy Vance as guilty and even more so and he is going to be exposed in a movie when it is made -- Vance already exposed in the bestseller with the same title "flash boys" by Michael Lewis who 's last book turned movie "The Blind Side" won an Oscar.   The book exposed  Goldman Sachs puppet Cy Vance's goal to falsely prosecute an innocent man for Goldman Sachs.

In my opinion Judge Zweibel has joined Cy Vance falsely prosecuting Cecily McMillan who was beaten severely by the New York Police Department as well as falsely prosecuting the Goldman Sachs programmer who is innocent as well.    The Goldman Sachs programmer asked his case to be dismissed because it was double jeopardy but Judge Zweibel refused just like he refused Cecily McMillan who is clearly a victim of the New York Police Department who beat her leaving a handprint on her chest and broke her ribs.  

Ask Judge Zweibel if he happened to notice mayor Mike Bloomberg committing perjury during the Haggerty trial and judge Z do you think it was unusual that team Bloomberg also suffered amnesia during the Haggerty trial even with immunity that Cy Vance was forced to give team Bloomberg and Team Bloomberg did not wave immunity.  Why?  Hardee har har. 

NYPD Testifies In Trial of Cecily McMillan, Occupy Wall Street Protester Accused of Assaulting Cop | Village Voice


Thanks and gratitude for making a difference.  
ps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=em please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD and IAB thank you.