Monday, September 16, 2013

At least 12 dead in Navy Yard shooting Proof In NYC Deutsche Bank "Security" Must Wear Identification

At least 12 dead in Navy Yard shooting; two possible suspects at large

With this horrifying tragedy all the more reason Deutsche Bank should stop it creepy evil ways and all private security in this case retired US Marines where DB and id's so they do not get away with abusing power and no crazed gun man can walk up and pose as one of them.

DB empowers abuse because of no identification dark blue or black military fatigues.

Read my post from this morning.

Mayor Bloomberg's 1 percent is a gated community with their own private military that wears NO IDENTIFICATION with Deutche  Bank leading the way so if one DB private security abuses anyone they can't be identified like the NYPD who I have video of them mocking specifically because the NYPD are some what accountable.   I have a video series that lead up to the NY Times doing an article although of course the invisible woman I was not acknowledged.
No ID private Police 

Look at these ex US soldiers with nothing identifying who they are or even that they work for DB.

Learn how I learned about Deutsche Banks direct role with the Nazis in mass murder and stealing our money and funding IG Farben as well as funding Dr Mengle.

Deutsche Bank Auschwitz Scream past to Now 3:24 DB Nazi Cheerleader? via @youtube

Deutsche Bank returns to it's Nazi roots re-creating the early stages of Nazi Germany outside their bank and in a Public Area given to them by the City of New York!!!!!

Deutsche Bank should be paying a hell of a lot more money to survivors that need assistants and DB along with all guilty Nazi's don't want to distinguish between those experimented by Dr Mengle and his pals and those designated as "slaves" all give paltry money.

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Will The NY Times Ban Suzannah Troy Again on DB Article Part 2 The NY Time banned all 5 attempts at me "sharing my thoughts" on having been made to remove signs and art demanding a hospital in The West Village by Deutsche Bank security so here I go again. Thanks and gratitude to Norman Siegel and Howard Teitelbaum for writing a letter to DB and NYPD lawyers on OWS and my behalf. Norman included a video I sent him in his powerfully written letter which is a must read. (I did not write DBhas security tapes to prove what liars they are but what do you expect from Nazis that financed Auschwitz mass murder and profited from theft including Jewish gold. DB still big liars unwillingly to take responsibility.) I should clarify DB made me remove sign and art from my body!!!