Christine Quinn is not an Adult so Blame Bloomberg and her Gender!
I warned you all that the media like Wall St would not learn their lesson and remain as arrogant as ever selling lies that none of us believe.
Christine Quinn is an adult. She made choices. Mike Bloomberg did not hold a gun to her head when she lied to us at a meeting at City Hall and I brought Norman Siegel and community members.
Norman asked how are you going to vote tomorrow? Christine Quinn said I don't know.
She did not know after 2 years how she is going to vote? She voted for Rudin Luxury Condos, not a Trauma Level 1 Hospital with a Rape Crisis Center and AIDS CARE.
Mike Bloomberg was not in the room holding up a gun.
She also lied to my face about what I said. She disparaged me stating I called her fat. I wanted to fight to get a hospital so I ignored her. I said you lost weight but you are still a big fat liar. I just sat there and listened to her lie and lie and all these years The New York Times, NYDN, and the NY Post most backed up her lies and finally endorsed her and today come out selling more lies.
Christine Quinn did not lose because she is gay....She did not lose because of her gender. She did not lose because People associated her with Mike Bloomberg but because she lied to us, she made corrupt deals selling us out over and over and what thought we did not notice just like the arrogant newspapers now blame Bloomberg...
Mike Bloomberg did not hold a gun to her head.
Unless The New York Times think she is some how not an adult and handicapped last time The People checked Christine Quinn made the choice to act as Mike Bloomberg's deputy mayor; Quinn made the choice to act as Mike's mini-me and enjoyed her status along with Pat Harris as the other little emperors of NYC.
Blame it on anything you want but Quinn has herself to blame and the media that backed her like Wall St has proven today they have learned nothing.
This is more than a disconnect. The media's role protecting Bloomberg and Quinn for their corrupt dealings involving real estate and 911 the short list is criminal.
You all haven't read about me being savagedly assaulted at Dr Andrew Fagelman's and the NYPD and Internal Affairs fixed the violent crime -- the YouTube is 140 views away from 16,000 views and the lawsuit against the City of NY, NYPD and IAB has over 1,000 views on not news?
Everyone wants to go to the doctors and feel safe yet I was violated over and over and walked out with far more serious damage to my retina from a running punch by Delita Hooks, Dr Fagelman's receptionist office manager.
For editors of the news desk to kill this story --- you have to be really monsterous people --- under Mike Bloomberg's reign I have been treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany.
Watch the video and ask why wasn't she arrested? Why did the NYPD met with my violent lying attacker but repeatedly refused to meet with me to see the bleeding to my eye, damage to my neck and defensive wounds to my eye. Everyone agrees that this violent crime was fixed and everyone says what a story and agrees shocking because it happened at a doctor's office.
On the front page of my lawsuit you see this --- the tale of Two Cities....
Bill De Blasio got that right and The NY Times, the NYDN, The NY Post coming out today even The Wall St Journal pretending St Vincent's Hospital turned in to Rudin Condos played no role in Quinn's entire district just like the same papers not covering the savage attack shows you the media is part of the tale of 2 Cities.
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Click on it and see The NY Post's article on DOT commissioner getting special treatment by the NYPD and FYI an honest cop sick of NYPD corruption fixing and favors had to have been the source vs my quote on NYPD fixing stats / crime like a Las Vegas Casino.
I am not allowed to meet with the NYPD and the NYPD seal my savage attackers false cross complaint, her false medical report because FYI I barely touched her defending myself and my arm was numb, and I never put down 2 bags 1 heavy and my phone as she whaled away at me continually ignoring the women in the video who lied for her and blamed me but I have the video proving they are liars. See those women -- not one of them asked me are you okay? and they work at a medical office and this is not news? They were not fired. Delita Hooks was not arrested.
Tale of Two Cities. The media continues to sell lies and we will respond at the voting booth to say we do not buy your lies. Why do we even buy you papers or tune in to news channels selling lies and killing news?