Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dr Andrew Fagelman Violent Receptionist Delita Hooks Made Hole in My Retina Now Scar Tissue

NYPD IAB Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks Violent Assault fixed by PD more scar tissue in eye from retina damage from Dr Fagelman's violent lying receptionist office manager Delita Hooks running at me after throwing her shoes  punch me in the eye  not fired by Dr. Andrew Fagelman internist and the NYPD fixed this violent crime.

NYPD IAB Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks assault more on my scaring retina from Delita Hooks the Jodi Arias of medical reception desks running punch to my eye after first threatening me with bodily harm rather than close the door and the NYPD and IAB act like they get Viagra from doctor Fagelman!!!!

A nurse accompanying her hubbie to eye md and I chatted. Her friends all watched video because a friend had been working at the office in some capacity and asked to be transferred out because she was so uncomfortable with Dr Fagelman, Delita Hooks and staff!!!!

Anything about Delita Hooks in thus video alarms you????

NYPD IAB Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks Violent Assault fixed by PD more scar tissue in eye from retina damage