Sunday, July 7, 2013

NY Post NYTimes Announces Elliot Spitzer Running for comptroller first suggested by Suzannah B. Troy march 2013

My guess is that Elliot Spitzer saw how good Weiner is doing and decided he could easily beat Scott Stringer which he could do.

Hardee har har I suggested it how many months ago.......


Elliot Spitzer Run For Manhattan DA or NYC Comptroller


Elliot Spitzer Run for DA or NYC Gov Comptroller

FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2013

Elliot Spitzer Silda-less Disgusting But Run for Comptroller against Scott Stringer

How Silda stayed with him is beyond me except perhaps for the girls who hopefully will stay clear of arrogant, sex addicts and Spitzer continues to act like he didn't screw an entire State --- he made a mistake and he could have stayed in office but even that he handled wrong so Dave Paterson who commited perjury and silenced a victim of spousal abuse by Dave Johnson, Paterson's BFF --- far more serious than paying for sex stayed in office.

All that being said, I would rather have an arrogant Spitzer with brains as Comptroller than an arrogant idiot tax payer's black hole Scott Stringer for comptroller.

FYI:   Silda I hear is smart and a good person.  She would be wise to dump Spitzer but either way I want him to run and beat Stringer and Silda with Spitzer is better than Spitzer Silda-less.

NY Post NYTimes Announces Elliot Spitzer Running for comptroller first suggested by Suzannah B. Troy march 2013