Friday, July 19, 2013

Mike Bloomberg's Mini-me Christine Quinn Both Get F's for Animal Rights

Mike Bloomberg's Mini-me Christine Quinn Both Get F's for Animal Rights


Anyone who knows anything about animal issues in NYC knows that Speaker Christine Quinn has blocked important animal bills - in her time as Council Speaker.  She has allowed the carriage trade to continue with no meaningful reforms except a nice rate increase for the drivers - saying that it was a vital industry to NYC and that was why tourists came to NY; would not allow these bills to come up for a vote that involved  - circus animals/rodeos; foie gras; resolution supporting humane education in schools; sprinklers in pet shops and other animal establishments; pets in housing.

She did kill the bill that would require shelters in all boroughs; In an attempt to get people to think she was animal friendly, she passed a sham bill that would make it illegal to tether a dog for 3 out of 12 hours - totally unenforceable and worthless bill.  

As for her having dogs - that is absurd and surely we all know that does not make you compassionate to other animals. (Michael Vick had dogs too.)   They seem to be playing to the lowest common denominator.  

She lets politics and greed get in the way all the time - with carriage horses it is her support from the Queens Dem. party, who under the leadership of the late Tom Manton pushed her into the position of Council Speaker; the real estate industry against pets in housing; business interests first against mandating sprinklers or banning foie gras.


Elizabeth Forel
Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages 
Horses Without Carriages International  
No Walk in the Park - Facebook
BanHDCarriages - Twitter 

you can't defeat an idea whose time has come