Monday, July 22, 2013

Mayor Bloomberg CityTime Crime Scandal Update Robbins Geller Suing NYC Gov Blocking Access to Docs

Robbins Geller Says NYC Blocked Access To CityTime Docs

"Law360, New York (July 19, 2013, 5:55 PM ET) -- Law firm Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP on Wednesday sued New York City in state court, saying it had wrongly been denied its Freedom of Information Law requests for contract documents related to the city's kickback scandal-plagued CityTime project."

Robbins Geller Rudman  the law firm representing SAIC shareholders 

"Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Files Class Action Suit Against SAIC, Inc."

Reminder I get as close to naked in my YouTubes to mock Mike Bloomberg, NYC Gov, Christine Quinn and all puppets lack of transparency as well as media cover-ups....


was Mike in Bermuda or the Cayman's with Steve pay to play Rattner this weekend?
Just joking.....
Not a transparent mayor --- will the deposed king Mike Bloomberg commit perjury again this September during the CityTime trial?

Preet is blocking access as well?   On how many fronts CityTime alone...

Wait 911 is CityTime on steroids!!!!!!!    Look at this...

Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn, Rose Gill Hearn and Bill Thompson in my opinion had plenty of notice just like CityTime 911 was CityTime 2 on steroids our lives on the line.....

Mayor Bloomberg CityTime Crime Scandal Update Robbins Geller Suing NYC Gov Blocking Access to Docs

Is this in part why the NYPD and IAB so far have fixed this for Delita Hooks violently assualting me or did her employer make a call to 1800 nypd pba fix it?

without surgery I would have lost my vision....I am suing NYPD IAB this week maybe even today I file per se and I hear I have up to 3 years to sue Dr Fagelman but only a year to sue Delita Hooks please read my law suit will post on scribd this week.....  I reference CityTime by the way in the law suit and my other whistle blowing work...