Sunday, July 21, 2013

Exclusive From Suzannah Troy: Mayor Bloomberg's City of New York Getting Sued over CityTime!!!!!!

Exclusive From Suzannah Troy: Mayor Bloomberg's City of New York Getting Sued over CityTime!!!!!!

Check back tomorrow morning for the details but put this way -- I am not the only one who thinks Mike Bloomberg and "Team Bloomberg" are less than forth coming --- NYC Gov is not transparent --- treating ambulance responses and 911 info secret but great news involving CityTime corruption --

The City of New York is getting sued for not turning over info on CityTime ---

Stay cool --- this is hot stuff....

You thought this week was steamy wait until you read what I have to say about Preet Bharara and the media covering up on CityTime -- give you one hint....Richard Valcich --- from hero to zero to say and I will be taking a look back at Bondy's testimony at City Hall on my blog tomorrow morning....

Think way hotter and also add in 911 Tech Corruption!!!!!