Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Mike Bloomberg's NYC Dr Fagelman's Receptionist Violent Assaults Patient NYPD Fixing YouTube After 12,500 Views Adult Rating

Please continue to help make this YouTube viral to expose Dr. Andrew Fagelman 155 Spring Street who did not fire Delita Hooks for savagely attacking me and she did a series of crazy assaultive actions before I started filming including getting between me and the door to violently give me the finger.

Please help this YouTube to go viral to also shame Delita Hooks the Jodi Arias of medical receptionist a violent liar who continues to blame me for the violent assault and help expose the corrupt NYPD who helped her get away with everything but murder.

For some reason this video that happened where any child could have witnessed it has been given an adult rating and yet there is so much violence on YouTube far more graphic so why did it get an adult rating?  Is Dr. Fagelman's receptionist behavior so reprehensible for a medical office is that why?

Dr. Fagelman's receptionist behavior so reprehensible YouTube Adult Rating 12,691 Views