Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dr Andrew Fagelman Most Violent Medical Receptionist Delita Hooks?

Today I hug and kissed a rainbow of People all colors ages backrounds but what none of them knew was Dr. Andrew Fagelman did no fire his very violent receptionist office manager for:

verbally assaulting me
berating me

menacing me coming out from behind a long closed off counter to come after me as I tried to get help from my MD Dr. Vine who was in with another patient.

Her assistant finally broke in and got Dr. Vine to come to me but Delita Hooks had gotten between me and the exit to violently give me the finger.

She provoked me to document and I started filming so she decided rather than close the door to the medical office to use the door for balance as she began a violent rampage that for 9 months come July has her still lying blaming me.

I hand my Justice cards out and every good person says sorry but I assure them Dr. Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks and all involved in this violent assault and lies to cover-up for Delita Hooks violent assault and another crime a false cross complaint never have apologized and they have no morals or ethics in my opinion including Dr. Andrew Fagelman in my opinion an evil little man.

I have copies but to see this video after 12,500 views it was mysteriously age rated for violence yes Delita Hooks Dr. Andrew Fagelman did not get fired for her violence but did get an Adult rating for her violence in a Medical office.

Delita Hooks is the most violent dangerous liar and medical receptionist in all of NYC and my visit cost $430 dollars but now I have thousands of dollars of medical bills for the hole she made in my retina, the constant visits to check on the retina and now the scar tissue that formed and I have neck damage.

My insurance cut me off from more physical therapy and the only thing I can get for the pain now is injections epidurals which after the first I have declined.

Internal Affairs is on month 9 and it is an open investigation.   It appears that very cowardly sick people on behalf of this Jodi Arias of reception are too lonely, cowardly and believe voilently assaulting a patient and threatening to slap the crap out of a patient, throwing your shoes, a running punch as someone that would be me held 2 bags one heavy, my iphone as I stood there a human pinata.

Dr. Andrew Fagelman internist has no problem with Delita Hooks violating a patients body, a patients rights and a patient's privacy.  He told a private investigator I wasn't his patient.

Dr. Vine vacated with her partner  two weeks after I was attacked and perhaps one reason is because she can't have Delita Hooks savagely attacking her patients.

In my opinion Delita Hooks lied about everything and even in my opinion submitted forged medical reports.  Lucky for her so far it is like she or Dr. Fagelman have connections and so far the fix is in.....