Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bloomberg Wolfson Stolen 3rd Term, Tax $ Stolen vs CitiShare Bikes

Bloomberg Wolfson Tax Payer Theft vs CitiShare Bike Thieves vs billions of tax dollars stolen and abused mostly tech contracts tech tax payer Titanics and over paid consultants plus a millions to pay Team Bloomberg campaign staff for kickback faux jobs to help steal third term.  Every pay check deposited by Howie is in my opinion stolen money.  Every perk Howie enjoys stolen. 

Team Bloomberg theives helped Mike steal third term -- which costs you more?

A stolen third term or NYPD arresting these thieves. 

Bloomberg breaking campaign laws and commiting perjury no arrests. 

Billions stolen abused no arrests. 

CityTime no arrests nyc gov official.  Preet said there would be arrests. 

911 our lives at risk  corruption no arrests nyc gov officials ditto 311, NYCAPS,   FDNY Wireless, NYCWiNS, Board of Education tech corruption (so many corrupt tech BOE) , Board of Elections tech corruption CityTime junior impacting election, etc. 
Two men arrested for attempting to ripoff Citi Bikes from docking station

vs Mike Bloomberg stealing tax payer money to pay his twitter boy Howie Wolfson 6 figures for an unnessecary job Howie us not qualified for.  

Bloomberg thinks they are royalty and this is the British Empire pre-The Revolution.  

Lucky Americans so apathetic or We the People would be having a 2nd one and chaining close to 17 trillion dollar debt to all corrupt politicians and biz responsible.  

ps Mike's favorite non profit Seedco stolen less than 3 million as opposed to billions from
Tech corruption.  Yippee.
Please help this youtube of me being violently assaulted may need 2nd eye surgery go viral to shame Dr Andrew Fagelman 155 Spring St, Delita Hooks the Jodi Arias of medical reception desks and the corrupt NYPD involved who helped her get away with everything but murder.  

Bloomberg Wolfson Stolen 3rd Term, Tax $ Stolen vs CitiShare Bikes