Monday, May 20, 2013

NYPD Stop Frisk Officer Serrano’s Hidden Camera, Videos Taru, Domain, Civilians NYPD Fixing

NYPD Stop Frisk Officer Serrano’s Hidden Camera, Videos Taru, Domain, Civilians NYPD Fixing

Why wouldn't the NYPD arrest Delita Hooks.  Why are they protecting her and perhaps her employer Dr. Andrew Fagelman?   In light of how many false arrests why aren't they arresting a violent medical receptionist who has permanently damaged my eye and neck and no arrest.

The violent lunatic at the front desk was so out of hand and abusive -- to this day clueless she has done anything wrong including severe damage to my body and my mind --- but it was a video camera that I did not hide and gave her a heads up that did not shame her in to stopping but going every further.

This video is evidence the NYPD did not use to arrest her for assault and a false cross complaint.

Michael Premo of OWS was falsely prosecuted by a corrupt DA Cy Vance,  Manhattan DA and key video by Taru was hidden away along with the officer the NYPD and DA selling the lie the officer was on a secret mission.

Why are we spending 30 to 40 million on a video spy system if the NYPD are withholding incriminating videos filmed by themselves or civilians or perhaps security cameras as they fix crimes?