Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks Receptionist Savage Assault Fixed by NYPD 11,174 YouTube Views

Dr Fagelman's violent receptionist office manager's verbal abuse and crazy menacing started from behind a long closed off desk and she provoked me to get help immediately searching for my MD - I asked her medical assistant what's with her (Delita Hooks stalking me) as I looked for Dr Vine and Vine was already in with another patient.  Vine's assistant saw hooks behind me and said I don't know.

When hooks got between me and the door to violently give me the finger and walked away clueless as clueless as she is today that she did anything wrong including a running punch as I held my bags and phone my arm numb from 2 injections - now my retina back of my eye permanently damaged and neck corrupt cops fixed thus violent crime in league it appears with Dr Fagelman who did not fire her for the savage attack.

The cost of the visit $430 and cost for medical bills to treat eye and neck way more.  Hip wants a percentage if I sue.   NYPD and Dr Fagelman each took an oath and all involve violated their oaths and thanks for pushing this evidence viral.

Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks Receptionist Savage Assault Fixed by NYPD 11,174 YouTube Views