Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Did Mayor Bloomberg Send Himself Ricin?

Did Mayor Bloomberg Send Himself Ricin?

Let's face people wonder if he has lost his marbles and if the media 
had investigating journalist Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg including his
mini-me Christine Quinn would have been forced to resign over
CityTime, ECTP 911 tech corruption etc. 

The fact unions want his head on a plate evoke suspicion if
Bloomberg didn't have a lackey send the ricin letters to 
do some damage control and distract folks from the fact 
Bloomberg should have resigned. 

Bloomberg has multi-Watergates and even Teflon Mike
felt a ding when his private empire got caught 
cyber stalking/hacking/spying on clients but just
like CityTime, 911 mega crime not a perp oops peep!!!