Sunday, March 17, 2013

Rudin Luxury St. Vincent's Hospital ASBESTOS

Bill Rudin can't stop giving the community  -- in this case ASBESTOS in a dumpster but the community has a Duane Read on Steroids instead of a Trauma Level 1 Hospital with a RAPE CRISIS Center and AIDS care!!!!!

Kissie kissie hugs and love!!!!!!  Christine Quinn Sell-out!!!!!

Dressed as Christine Quinn holding image of Quinn and Rudin KISSING!!!

Rudin Luxury St. Vincent's Hospital ASBESTOS 
Dept of Investigation Attorney General Dept of Health Commissioner Mike Bloomberg Andrew Cuomo any comments?

Oh by the way Bill Rudin and Rudin family -- The Natives are Angry -- the want places to park their cars, they want the generator to be shut down and they want you out of here.   They want a full service Trauma Level 1 Hospital for some reason.  Any ideas?

Hey Cy how is the criminal investigation in to St. Vincent's Hospital and ECTP 911 our crappy 2 billion dollar 911 tech system going?

When does the total disregard for area residents stop. Is it not bad enough that the Rudin construction has taken away 100s of parking spots. Last
week a generator was parked in the street and hard wired into the SVH spot.  Yet another two parking spots taken away from local residents. Why could they not have placed it behind their wall in their site.