Monday, December 24, 2012

Mayor Bloomberg Covering Up for NYPD Down Grading Crime to Protect is Legacy and Myth Crime is down

Notes from Suzannah B. Troy -- First on a superficial note - the NYPD officer on the left
is a super hottie from 1-10 10 but hey it's just a photo. He is probably five foot 2 and really unattractive -
just the camera angle.

Two -- No DA except the Bronx has the courage or integrity -- the rest are in bed with
the NYPD covering up for them and Mike Bloomberg is protecting his tarnished
legacy so don't expect him to call for a new commission to take over where
the Knapp and Mollen commissions left off.

Happy holidays.

Is the NYPD Undercharging Felonies to Make Their Stats Look Good?

This year, the NYPD has been accused of massively under-reporting crimes, and refusing to investigate crimes in order to keep statistics down. Many of these accusations stem from secret recordings made by former Officer Adrian Schoolcraft. We received a tip that an email has been circulated to the entire Bronx DA's office ("probably by accident") from a high-level prosecutor, who describes their observations of the NYPD undercharging cases:
Subject: complaint room issue: under charging of cases
Good Morning All,
I have been making several observations in the complaint room concerning officers clearly under charging cases, either on their own or based on orders from their supervisors such as charging misdemeanor offenses and it is clear from the arrest report facts that the case is factually a felony or charging a lesser felony than what the facts call for (e.g. forcible touching but the case is actually a Rape 1 or Assault 2 and the case is an attempted murder). Therefore, I need all Assistants to notify me verbally and via email when cases have been grossly undercharged.
I need to know the following information (in an email):
Name of defendant(s)
Arresting Officer, shield number and precinct
Initial arrest charges
Top charge on the complaint
Whether the officer was instructed to charge a lesser offense, if so
the name and rank of the person who instructed him/her
Whether the officer was told the same facts that you were told by the victim