Wednesday, November 7, 2012

911 Son of CityTime NY Posts Editor Don't Know about CityTIme SAIC Law Suit by Suzannah B. Troy

 911 ECTP mega-scandal bigger than CityTime  NY Post Son of Sam oops Son of CityTime!

Look to CityTime law suit happening right now to learn a hell of a lot more....
Civil derivative suit dismissal request looms on Citytime

Shame on SAIC for trying to use a deferred prosecution agreement DFA to slimly scurry out of law suit by shareholders -- are you kidding....?

Essentially SAIC is agreeing SAIC is guilty and Dept of Justice is not prosecuting if they are well behaved for 5 years?

Are you kidding and to throw insult injury SAIC is saying you can't sue without permission of SAIC top brass and top brass saying  we aren't going to give you permission to sue us..... Are you kidding me?

Meanwhile Preet Bharara is NOT holding any top officials SAIC or NYC accountable so there is a huge blush here....worse than blush -- shame on SAIC and Bloomberg Team Bloomberg and his political arm Dept of Investigation Rose Gill Hearn who went on NY1 did an informerical stating CityTime works when it doesn't work well just mayor lied to the press after Hurricane Sandy claiming our 2 billion 14 million dollar 911 Tech works when it is as hugely flawed as CityTime or more so because of deaths....and both CityTime and ECTP 911 are about mega - theft with NYC Gov from the mayor to Mark Page to Christine Quinn to City Council to OPA to DOITT to FISA?  The list of who isn't guilty is far smaller and no one held accountable yet....

The street is screaming "Not Fair" !!!!   If this was a political sex scandal, the politicians would be tarred, feathered, ousted,  and shamed. What is wrong with our justice system? 

It would be unconscionable if  court approves  a dismissal of SAIC top officials in the derivative law suit!   

Why? While the US Attorney has failed us, the shareholders are closest we come to possible JUSTICE like the OJ Trial in reverse.

The Puublic  has a right to know yet the media is not covering this huge story.

SAIC CityTime scandal with sub-contractors also stealing is like the 911 Tech Scam NYC gov which is even bigger and now that the NY Post editors came-out with "911 Son of CityTime" a reference to the Son of a Sam -- a serial killer and that is they way corrupt players treated NYC tax money -- like serial killers that imagined they would never get caught.

That is why this SAIC shareholder derivative law suit is so key.

The derivative law suit is it fair!     Allowing dismissal is worse than pure crap -- it is pure INJUSTICE ---  a request for dismissal  in a catch-all deferred prosecution agreement or a catch 22 where you need the approval of the persons your suing (SAIC Top Officials) to approve being sued? Fart.

 There is no justice, if for procedural reasons alone,  SAIC -- arrogant --- "have your cake and eat it too"  attitude is swallowed by the Judge presiding on this case?

 It's sickening to think a huge defense contractor repeatedly continues to conduct business and then tries to use the very same DPA do dismiss  civil suits? 

CITYTIME corrupt dealings made money  in part  for  the  sued  trusted board members.....hardee har -- that SAIC shareholder want the money back on the SAIC stocks top officials with a happy face and profited before SAIC stocks and tanked and Walt Haverstein's retirement money back?

Will we see stock activities addressed in legals actions regarding the 911 Tech Scandal which has so many haunting parallels including in my opinions lobbyist all alumists from City Hall either Rudy or Mike -- deputy mayors, DOITT heads, etc.???

  SAIC in their DPA is basically saying we plead guilty on at least one count and if we are "we are good via monitoring" we are all set on this Civil too?  Someone besides Denault in SAIC made bucks directly from this, also he was not even a member of the board of directors, nor signed a signal contract according to a YouTube comment on one of my videos, nor on any high level executive panel. 

This crap has too stop, if your guilty on a DPA your most probably guilty on the civil. 

Deb Alderson, Mark Sopp, John Jumper, etc + others  -- will they be held accoutable as well as be forced to pay the company shareholders back? 

Preet Bharara!   Rewrite the indictment to include SAIC executives and politicians that  condoned, approved and made their chunk of money on it too over and under the table -- via stocks or back room or via lobbyist buddies?????

Preet Bharara needs to go back in Time CityTime as requested a record amount of time from my blogs and YouTubes.
 Pay attention because the 911 Tech has huge parallels to this scandal and is even bigger!!!!!

Read this post Mark Sopp SEC still a coma re; SAIC despite email to Mark Sopp?
Is this like SEC and Bernie Maddoff?

Watch this video -- if you see another one click on link below 

Mayor Bloomberg Suzannah Troy Reads Valcich Letter SAIC Preet Redo Indictment!