Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bill Thompson Almost as Guilty as Mike Bloomberg Mark Page CityTime Praises Mayor Mike!

Christine Quinn, Scott Stringer, Bill DeBlasio and Bill Thompson should not be mayor.  I voted for Thompson over Bloomberg and I won't ever for any of the above again EVER.
YouTube where corrupt Bill Thompson praises corrupt Mike Bloomberg.

Bill Thompson aided and abetted Mike Bloomberg in green lighting CityTime scandal.  Mike Bloomberg +Thompson's names are on the bottom of every page of Richard Valcich whistle blowing letter and Bill Thompson did nothing.  John Liu did act unlike Thompson.

Thompson Battery Park Scandal right after Rose Gill Hearn's dad scandal Battery Park & Rose Gill Hearn failed us as well CityTime the Valcich letter proves the CityTime crime went on before Gerard Denault was ever hired.
+ NY Pensions raided!

This above is my comment but FYI - Thompson let Steve Rattner and other raid NY Pensions.

Goldman Sachs did an awful job with NYPD FDNY pensions....

We were charged a fortune by crooks to manage the NY Pensions under Thompson.