Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Mayor Bloomberg Leaves NYC with 911 Tax Payer Black Hole Disaster but New Yorkers Rejoicing He is Out the Door!

A media mogul tech whiz billionaire mayor fraudster Mike Bloomberg media mogul had the most new stories exposing corruption at City Hall under his reign killed --- the most critics silenced…the most whistle blowers silenced and creatively retaliated against…….

tech whiz mayor -- the most tech corruption EVER in NYC Gov history and we are all at risk because of the shocking stupidity and greed involving the 911 Tech Corruption so Mike leaves us all in danger and a Fragile NYC in far worse shape than when he came in unless you are a 1 percenter.  We have less Trauma Level 1 Hospitals and more luxury condos for the 1percent and  Rudin Family Greedsters say thanks Mike!

Mike Bloomberg is out of here in less than 5 hours and unless you are a 1 percenter or on his payroll or getting money funneled to your or benefited from back room deals --- join the celebration because New Yorker want him out which is why the voted for De Blasio although some fear he is Bloomberg lite and are worried that De Blasio is keeping some of Bloomberg's staff on.

Mayor Bloomberg and his Puppet Shown the Door GoodBye to Unpopular Mayor

When Mike Bloomberg says "Progress" he means get your moving van!


http://www.worldjournal.com/view/full_news/16151462/article-  (The main stream press censored my art on Bloomberg but the World Journal News shows my historical art lampooning mayor Boomberg and asking is Democracy for Sale?
The actual portrait of Bloomberg answers the question….. I painted over his face Democracy is for sale.)

Goodbye to Amanda the People's Burden the worst City Planner commissioner in the history of NYC responsible along with Bloomberg of the most mass displacement in the area since The American Indians!

The New York Times, The NY Post and the NYDN all endorsed Mike Bloomberg's mini-me Christine Quinn and New Yorkers sent the media that endorsed Christine Quinn a message…..

True to form the media continues to ignore The People of NYC who are sick of the cover-ups, lies and spin for mayor Bloomberg, Christine Quinn, Rudin Family Greed so we have no Trauma Level 1 Hospital, NYU Community crushing expansion along with Cooper Union, The New School, Columbia University and other greedy developers who don't use higher ed but it's all about higher greed.

Bloomberg and Quinn also ignored the will of the People when we voted to two terms not three and all of Mike's critics still enjoyed their 3rd term. Why?  They are secretly just like Mike?

CityTime crime, 911 tech crime -- 911 is HUGE -- it is the biggest tax payer Titanic and our lives remain at risk.   I don't believe the 2nd commander center 50 million dollars is up and running so the back up 911 unit is 1 police plaza, 311 a huge tax payer titanic maybe the 2nd biggest….., Board of Elections, Board of Ed too many tech corruption cases or tech messes  to count, NICE, FDNY Wireless, NYCWiNS, etc and Seedco -- Mike Bloomberg's favorite not for profit was stealing as well but under 2 million dollars.

Mike was our do as I say mayor not as I do.     Mike broke campaign laws and committed perjury during the Haggerty trial.

Mike  Bloomberg silenced all critics.  He had the help of every media outlet.  My YouTube channel was removed and there was a video 6 months before the election that said don't believe the media Mike Bloomberg might not win due to voter anger.

Wiki page on my YouTube channel censorship removal and return deleted.  Wiki denies it was cyber vandaled despite truth perhaps because the wiki page pointed out Wiki also guilty of censorship removing the page.  I believe someone connected to Mike attacked page.

Mike Bloomberg, Ray Kelly and legal arm Cordozo in my opinion guilty of the worst racist abuses Stop and Frisk protecting the NYPD from knowingly violating The Constitution and the oath the NYPD swear to uphold the Constitution.

Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly sell the lie crime is down.

The NYPD fix crime like a Las Vegas Casino.

Internal Affairs another tax payer's black hole  (worse than scott stringers NYC gov salary and perks--far worse) and IAB can't police the police.  Under Bloomberg and Kelly we learn once and for all the NYPD cannot police the police.  IAB is a huge waste of money worse than 311.

Bloomberg and Quinn make a deal to put Scott Stringer in as comptroller -- a man who cannot do his own taxes and is not qualified for the job to make sure he does not pursue any audits of 911 Tech corruption.

Mike Bloomberg concedes John Liu's audit of 911 Tech corruption has merit after having his puppet Cas Hollway insult us at testimony City Hall.

I am the only one at City Hall testifying challenging Bloomberg and why there is no criminal investigation in to 911.  That Liu's audit is correct so where is the criminal investigation.

With Preet Bharara, Cy Vance and Stringer in place at the comptroller our soon to be ex mayor Bloomberg is convinced he has nothing to fear re: accountability for the mysterious hire of HP who also has two HP biggies on the NY Pension.

You need to google Glen Hutchins Gartner NY Pensions NYPD Pension John Liu Dead Man Walking Part 2 or 3 to learn more -- Glenn Hutchins was wise to sell his Gartner stocks but turns out no one was EVER going to investigate the fortune Gartner made under Mike Bloomberg but Gartner despite mega bill to NYC tax payers like Mike Bloomberg, like Mark Page and Christine Quinn and too many city council members could not add 1 +1 on 911 doesn't equal 2 billion dollar Tax Payer Titanic  but adds up to were robbed.

A 4th grader in NYC public school could have figured out were we being robbed but not Bloomberg and Page 2 Harvard grads.

Have Mike Bloomberg explain to NYC school kids why Steve Rattner was allowed to raid the NY Pension pay to play, pay to not plead guilty pay to not go to jail and than Mike kept him on his private payroll after Rattner banned by SEC.

Ask  Mike about his pension reform….

Let read his emails to Joel Klein--- don't forget the Bear Stearns guys Klein brought in to work for him and what they were going on NYC Gov time….Cathie Black and Bloomberg's emails to Haggerty….

Mike Bloomberg is loathed and if you don't believe me explain why the newspaper that sell the lie he is so great what a wonderful mayor endorsed Christine Quinn and she lost.

Google YouTubeland Aggravated Harassment Sexually Abusive Comments Mayor Bloomberg NYPD Intelligence Division Bodyguard Video Detective Kevin Lynch Violating Protocol YouTube


Here is the powerful painting not one media outlet covered!  Gee I wonder why?

World News a Chinese newspaper has a photo of me protesting Bloomberg's 3rd term at City Hall Park but not one media outlet did an article on that and also be begin savagely assaulted..

The video below --- proof I was savagely assaulted at the MD office and ask Mike Bloomberg who says we have a right to be safe out on the streets why Dr Fagelman's receptionist Delita Hooks was not arrested for assault and a false cross complaint which you can read below.  Ask Ray Kelly and his puppet head of Internal Affairs in my opinion why IAB allowed Det John Vergona who coerced me a serious crime as well --- why did IAB allow him to retire and why is Ray Kelly defending his Det John Vergona for coercing me to drop charges?    http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve


Mayor Bloomberg and his Puppet Shown the Door GoodBye to Unpopular Mayor


NYC gov ads funded by tax payers that most tax payers did not want vs Mike's private ads which were everywhere --- Bloomberg over the top -- the thin line between his private empire and his public empire….

Bottom line under Bloomberg democracy was trashed and over and over the will of the People ignored including his destruction of a large community garden in Coney Island for more greedy developers --- under Bloomberg it  was greed and stupid and his will, his greedy pals will before the will of the People including pushing through an illegal third term and obtaining the most humiliating win and expensive EVER in NYC history.

Mayor Bloomberg Leaves NYC with 911 Tax Payer Black Hole Disaster but New Yorkers Rejoicing He is Out the Door!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

NYU Langone Beth Israel Re: Dr Andrew Fagelman, Is it Ok to punch a patient NYPD Fixing?

NYPD IAB Corruption Fixing Coercion for Dr Andrew FAgelman's Delita Hooks Assaulting me 5,000 More Cards to the Printer

NYPD IAB Corruption Fixing Coercion for Dr Andrew FAgelman's Delita Hooks Assaulting me 5,000 More Cards to the Printer

Ray Kelly Corrupt NYPD Think it is okay to Beat someone does Bill Bratton

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks aka Delite Punches patient blames patient….

By the way I was on the Upper East Side getting synovis injections in my knees and there is no
MD or for that matter honest NYPD officer that can understand why Delita Hooks has not
been fired and also arrested.  This is the sickest most violent attack of a medical patient
in NYC history by a receptionist office manage who also got away with filing a false
cross complaint blaming her victim.  Her false cross complaint states I attacked her.

Ray Kelly  Corrupt NYPD Think it is okay to Beat someone does Bill Bratton

Wow I got another Delita Hooks defender --  his name "Matthew Huish" who says I need a psychitrist --- sounds like he didn't see his today!    There aren't many defending Delita Hooks unprofessional crazy violent behavior and of course I was blamed but every group that deals with victims of crime says the video is powerful and proves Delita Hooks acted unprofessionally, abused her power and praised my work as a victim of crime advocating for Justice with YouTube and cards.

Here is my response to the harassment I reported to Google YouTube.

It is not okay for the NYPD, Delita Hooks or Internal Affairs male version of Delita Hooks to beat someone and you know that or are the one that sees a psychiatrist and it has not helped you one bit because of your mental ill comment.  Delita Hooks also committed a crime filing a false cross complaint and in a letter to her NYPD fixers threatens me yet again.  Because of you I am now going to print 5,000 more Justice Cards and work even harder to get Justice for me and others.  The great news is Delita Hooks cannot try and beat anyone EVER again.   The NYPD involved in the crime of coercion can't get away with it either.  Delita Hooks was unprofessional exhibiting the worst customer and patient service EVER in NYC history and is so crazy she came out from behind a long closed off reception desk to menace and stalk me.  She provoked me to go ask for help from my MD and I couldn't get help because she was in with another patient.  She came to me after Delita Hooks made a hole in retina with a running punch. DeIita Hooks is such a violent liar and she has defenders like you but the video says it all.  She could have closed the door and violently threatened me with bodily harm when she could have closed the door.  Instead she uses the door for balances to begin the physical assault.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mike Bloomberg 911 Tech Corruption Blowback 2014

mayor bloomberg king of new york: Deposed Mayor Bloomberg 2014 questioned his role 911?

Mike Bloomberg 911 Tech Corruption Blowback 2014

Deposed ex king Mike Bloomberg can't escape 911 tech corruption blow back stay tuned meanwhile we need a forensic audit 911, 311 etc

Lucky Mike Team Bloomberg and friends Teflon...

Tale of Two Bills De Blaso Bratton Back Door avoid Stop and Frisk Protestors

Bill De Blasio Bill Bratton Sneak in Back Exit to Avoid Stop and Frisk Protestors

Mark Green Phil Donahue Ana Oliveira
Bill Bratton Bill De Blasio

Does this mean me posting the above video that Bill De a Blasio and Bill Bratton will continue the Bloomberg Kelly NYPD IAB Retaliation of me NYPD free to commit crimes like fixing crimes and coercion for Dr Fagelman's employee etc


Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks NYPD IAB Fixing YouTube 18,000 views Thank You!!!!

Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks NYPD IAB Fixing YouTube 18,000 views Thank You!!!!


Thanks for helping me shame all involve including Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi Internal Affairs and Dr Andrew Fagelman.

This YouTube has over 18,000 views and if you watch Delita Hooks comes 10 or maybe it is 20 feet down the hall --- you will see locked doors -- they are the men and women's bathrooms where she comes after me…   Everyone except the women in the video, Dr Fagelman's pals and corrupt NYPD and corrupt Internal Affairs agree this video proves I was savagely attacked and the NYPD and IAB fixed it and Internal Affairs is a disgrace as well as their is something very wrong with Dr Andrew Fagelman for not firing Delita Hooks.

Mayor Mike Bloomberg Not a Patron of the Arts a Murderer of 1st Amendment Rights and Artist Vendors Livelihood

Mayor Mike Bloomberg Not a Patron of the Arts a Murderer of 1st Amendment Rights and Artist Vendors Livelihood

 I made up the term economic racism to describe NYPD creative policing on behalf of the oligarchs of NY.


Mayor Bloomberg and Rudy Murder 1st Amendment Artist Vendors Rights

FYI they were driven out by Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly KKK Ray's NYPD --- this is Mike Bloomberg a supposed art patron…..

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mayor Bloomberg Years Water Main Street Mess E7th

I have YouTubes a playlist Mayor Bloomberg Streets of NY --- mayor Bloomberg pushed greed before infrastructure and our safety.

NYPD Counter Terrorism Cooper R they protecting us?

NYPD Counter Terrorism Cooper R they protecting us?  The NYPD were nice and one young man even joked with me but the sad truth is People feel they need protecting from the NYPD.

NYPD Stop and Kiss Video is it Funny or a Political Statement? Is it funny?


I do not think victims of NYPD's Stop and Frisk abuses will think this NYPD Stop and Kiss video is really funny….but you take a look…

Than take a look at the video from The Nation and you won't be laughing….


NYPD Stop and Kiss Video is it Funny or a Political Statement?

Is it funny?

A Political Statement

Not funny at all to victims of NYPD Police Abuse

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dr Fagelman, Delita Hooks Assaults Patient NYPD IAB Fixing YouTube 18,000 views Thank You!!!!

Dr Fagelman, Delita Hooks NYPD IAB Fixing YouTube 18,000 views Thank You!!!!


This YouTube has 18,000 views and if you watch Delita Hooks comes 10 or maybe it is 20 feet down the hall --- you will see locked doors -- they are the men and women's bathrooms where she comes after me…   Everyone except the women in the video, Dr Fagelman's pals and corrupt NYPD and corrupt Internal Affairs agree this video proves I was savagely attacked and the NYPD and IAB fixed it and Internal Affairs is a disgrace as well as their is something very wrong with Dr Andrew Fagelman for not firing Delita Hooks.

Thanks and gratitude for helping me 1 year and one month to the day Oct 1, 2012 when Delita Hooks tried everything but murder to harm me and continues to lie blaming me for her violence and has yet to be arrested for assault and a false cross complaint.  Thanks to you she can never get away with this again and she is a mother so it is horrifying to think she could have done this to her daughter or a family member but she can't anymore and in my opinion this was not her first violent attack. 
The NYPD rushed to seal her false cross complaint with their crime of Coercion and IAB has not commited a crime of covering up coercion in my opinion. 

Thanks and gratitude for your help.  

I have had very little sleep and it is almost almost 1 month since my Father died Nov 2 so today Subday is a special memorial gathering of Orthodox Jews, Rutgers People, Family Friends and my High School Art Teacher who is my treasured friend all these years.  

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Dr Andrew Fagelman The Most Horrific Abusive Customer Service

Dr Andrew Fagelman The Most Horrific Abusive Customer Service

Delita Hooks came up from behind a long closed off counter to continue her verbal assault and repeatedly violation of my Patient Rights and than when I gave her notice I was now filming she does not close the door but uses it for balance to begin an extremely violent savage attack and she and the women in the video did not seem to understand the video camera was working despite Delita Hooks using her hand and phone to slap my iPhone to the ground twice….

After a running punch to my eye that made a hole in my retina that need laser surgery to repair she grabbed my hair and started ripping out my hair.

I felt beautiful and happy.  I had no interested in fighting her but of getting her to stop.   The heavy woman you use see in the beginning of the video leaning against the wall like she's Delita Hooks giving the finger to patients all the time actually yelled at me to let go of Delita Hooks and I put up my hands and said I am not touching her.  I was bent over like a bridge and Delita Hooks was continuing to rip out my hair and damage my cervical spine.  I have an arthritic condition and a narrowing of the cervical spine and she so damaged my neck that I have way more numbness and less mobility but she did not apologize and despite bruising to my eye not one woman asked me if I was okay and none were reprimanded or fired but I hear all lied and blamed me and than the abuse started on YouTube until I filed a lawsuit against the NYPD and Internal Affairs.

To attack a patient or a customer and than lie and blame the victim is beyond sick and is evil  as well as Dr Andrew Faglman who did not fire her.  I had a private investigator ask if he spoke to the police because I believe he called 1800 NYPD fix it and his answer was no comment but he did tell my Private Investigator that he never met me and I wasn't his patient.

http://www.scribd.com/doc/173385168/Dr-Andrew-Fagelman-Receptionist-Office-Manager-Delita-Hooks-False-Criminal-Report-to-NYPD   The New York Police Department made me pay 15 dollars despite my alerting them I was a victim of Delita Hooks savage assault as the video proved and her false cross complaint so please wave the fee.

Delita Hooks ripped out of my hear 25 dollar earrings from a Tibetan Buddhist store, damaged my Iphone Case and caused me a fortune in on going medical bills and care that Hip Emblem is paying part of but has denied my the care I need for my neck except for epidurals which I don't want because they are a steroid.   Delita Hooks refuses to admit it was her fault and that she was rude, abusive and unprofessional and continue to blame me and has had People say I instigated her violence.

She is a mother which I find horrifying and this video with almost 18,000 views prevents her from unleashing her rage on her daughter or anyone else and blaming the victim.   I am confident based on the abuse I received on YouTube her family will protect her rather than encourage her to take responsibilty along with Dr Andrew Fagelman who paid her for her time and keeps her employed.  To date Delita Hooks has no idea she has done something wrong thanks to Dr Fagelman and corrupt NYPD.

My MD Dr Vine demanded Deilta Hooks be fired and told me Delita Hooks went right back to her desk as nothing had happened and worked until 7pm after the savage attack.

Sad to say Dr Vine's receptionist would not speak up for me and I am guessing she alerted Delita Hooks who sits next to her I went to the NYPD.   When I spoke to Dr Vine's receptionist from the First Precinct Dr Vine's receptionist told me she did not know the last name of the woman that hit me but her first name is "Delite".

Dr Vine apologized to me and I believe her medical assistant will speak up for me although the NYPD told me they would not speak to any MD's or assistants only the women that witnessed the attack which I took for they made up their mind they were fixing this for Dr Fagelman who did not fire Delita Hooks and the corrupt evil NYPD involved met with my attacker but refused to meet me with me.

I was with my Father who was to die a year and a month later and I had to leave my Dad to report the aggravated harassment on YouTube on a video with me with a black eye.  I had not put the assault video up until that comment and Det John Vergona's abuse telling me he did not care if I had two black eyes and to stop my babbling.

This video gives you just a glimpse of the most horrific customer service at a  Doctor's office Dr Andrew Fagelman at 155 Spring Street for the repeatedly violation of my Patient Rights and my body

I told her don't touch me.  She damaged my eye, my neck and arm and put her barefoot against my vaginal area as I moved away from her despite her efforts to yank me towards her.

Watch her come after me down the hall way when she could have closed the door.  I had not where to go as the doors where all locked and the elevator was not there.

Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly SAIC CityTime Crime Spy Bid Lost SAIC snags Oakland SAIC caught Lying

Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly SAIC CityTime Crime Spy Bid Lost SAIC snags Oakland SAIC caught Lying

In their rush to build a controversial mass surveillance system, Oakland city officials appear to have allowed employees of the project's prime contractor to perjure themselves by claiming that the company was in compliance with the city's Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Ordinance. 

(In my opinion) No Gerard Denault working for SAIC in Oakland but thanks to Judge Daniels and Preet Bharara in my opinion like Cy Vance in the Haggerty trial -- top officials from SAIC and NYC Gov including Mike Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn and Mark Page, Joel Bondy an out and out crook, among many, had nothing to fear….   Fantastic SAIC busted yet again…..

Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly SAIC CityTime Crime Spy Bid Lost SAIC snags Oakland SAIC caught Lying

 No Denault working on Oakland's spy system but SAIC already caught lying yet again?  It is part of the greedy corrupt culture and mostly contractors get away with it with the gov officials aiding and abetting and why?

Remember Rudy's deputy mayors turned lobbyist for SAIC along with Liz Holtzman  (see YouTube w/her and Goldsmith think she was at the Crain's breakfast lobbying for SAIC?)

Well my guess is SAIC wanted to do the Surveillance for NYC NYPD's spy system called *Domain Awareness  but SAIC got busted finally for years of stealing but that is the norm these days and under Bloomberg it was open season for stealing aka over billing the tax payers and the 911 Tech even worse….    *is it about policing and shunting mega millions around as the police fix crime -- let's ask Adrian Schoolcraft, Michael Premo and me for our opinions. I gave the NYPD video of a crime and than I caught the NYPD and IAB fixing the fact I was assaulted and the NYPD coerced me to drop charges.  Why should tax payers pay for spying when the cops are fixing crime so what is the high priced spying really about and why did Judge Daniels and Preet Bharara work to keep Mike Bloomberg and top gov officials out of a trial that they should have been forced to come in and answer questions under oath because it seems the Mazer  Denault actions where par for the course and we can't even get a criminal trial on 911 Tech Corruption for some reason.

Now what a surprise SAIC caught lying in Oakland contract like what the MTA SAIC deal where SAIC mystically came in with the lowest bid but Greg Mocker of WPIX found out if SAIC went over budget the bills for SAIC would go to NYC Gov aka NYC tax payer --- sounds like a scam and acceptable from The White House to Albany and to City Hall and that is why there is NO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND TRIAL IN TO 911 TECH CORRUPTION BIGGER THAN CITYTIME AND ALL UNDER MIKE BLOOMBERG, TEAM BLOOMBERG, CHRISTINE QUINN MOST OF CITY COUNCIL WHO LATE IN THE GAME CHANGED THEIR TUNE -- TOO LATE SINCE THEY ALLOWED 1 BILLION PLUS OVER RUN ON CITYTIME!!!!!!!

Am I the only one questioning if SAIC has broken their deferred prosecution agreement which was like admitting guilt and getting away with their corrupt behavior which started from the get go in my opinion before Denault was hired.   

Look in to SAIC FBI Triology
SAIC NSA Trailblazer
and so many other corrupt SAIC Deals but SAIC is bailed out oops oh given contracts by the Pentagon --- SAIC is like the USPS -- they should both be out of business but they aren't for some reason.


CityTime Crime SAIC Deferred Prosecution Agreement Violated? Newest Scandal SAIC Oakland Surveillence

Democracy NOW FYI my blog reported on the Deb does the White House before Juan's exclusive. 

My exclusives remain untouched on Denault suing SAIC winning they have to pay ALL his legal bills -- Denault didn't sign contracts according to annonymous source and guess which Deb did????

"In their rush to build a controversial mass surveillance system, Oakland city officials appear to have allowed employees of the project's prime contractor to perjure themselves by claiming that the company was in compliance with the city's Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Ordinance. The ordinance, enacted by Oakland voters and the city council in the late 1980s, prohibits the city from doing business with private contractors that have ties to nuclear weapons. Public records show that the contractor, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), had been involved heavily over the years in nuclear weapons-related work.
Internal city emails obtained by the Oakland Privacy Working Group, a coalition opposed to the surveillance center, show that SAIC officials were concerned about Oakland's nuclear-free-zone law early this year, and that they pressured the city to waive compliance with the ordinance before signing a final contract in March. City staffers, however, ruled out obtaining a waiver due to time constraints, and also because it would require approval by the full city council, making the contract subject to a public hearing. SAIC officials then signed a city document under penalty of perjury stating that the company was not involved in nuclear weapons-related work — when, in fact, it was.
Oakland officials do not appear to have specifically asked SAIC why it wanted the nuclear-free-zone waiver. Instead, staff in the city's contracts and compliance office, the office of information technology, the fire department, and lawyers from the city attorney's office allowed SAIC to sign Schedule P, Oakland's "Nuclear Free Disclosure Form.""

NYPD DI Bologna to be Questioned by CCRB vs CCRB & Graham Daw I allege Let my corrupt cops off the hook sending to Internal Affairs!!!!

NYPD DI Bologna to be Questioned by CCRB vs CCRB & Graham Daw I allege Let my corrupt cops off the hook sending to Internal Affairs!!!!


Pepper spray cop' to be questioned by civilian complaints board: judge  - NY Daily News

In front of CCRB I demanded in testimony as I did in emails to CCRB and their lawyer Graham Daw they should not give IAB my cases but keep them for violating abuse of power and lack of courtesy but corrupt CCRB and their lawyers say no what was done to me is criminal and must go to IAB.  I had reported them all to IAB immediately except for Delita Hooks detectives who's names and badge numbers where with held by IAB so I reported NYPD Det Andy Dwyer as John Doe and in my opinion Andy Dwyer and Det John Vergona belong in jail but now I have evidence Internal Affairs let Det John Vergona and Lt Angelo Burgos retire and Vergona was allowed to retire because Lt Agnes of the  Integrity unit let Vergona retire.  

In my testimony in front of CCRB against corrupt CCRB I told them the corrupt cops would have had to come in and testify under oath but I warned CCRB because they screwed up now IAB could fix it for all involved and they did. 

In my opinion graham daw should be fired and CCRB is a broken system that along with IAB must be replaced by an outside monitor. 

Cy Vance is corrupt and I called the DA before I was coerced to drop charges and after as instructed by The Attorney General's Investigative Unit and told IAB would have to contact the DA which is not true.   The DA should have taken my complaint and didn't instead referring me to IAB. 

Cy Vance has been caught repeatedly in the wrong yet he like Scott Stringer who sold us out to Rudin family greed so we have no Trauma Level 1 hospital manage to get tax payer jobs they have proven they are not qualified to hold in my opinion. 

Civilian Complaint Review Board Public Testimony From Suzannah B. Troy Giving CCRB Hell

Besides abuse of power and violation of the NYPD's CPR the NYPD involved commited a crime of coercion and than sealed Delita Hooks false cross complaint with the NYPD's crime of coercion and I allege Fabrication of evidence and I caught CCRB aiding IAB by refusing to investigate and allowing IAB in secret vs CCRB who could have made them
come in and testify under oath so under Ray Kelly and Charles Campisi CCRB aided IAB in now being part of NYPD Criminal Action and when we get a new commissioner and head of IAB I am fed exing them and demanding HONEST IAB be found and given my case and arrests made including of Delita Hooks.  

NYPD Ray Kelly Charles Campisi Det John Vergona Det Andy Dwyer Lt Burgos Sgt Chen DI Ed Winski IAB Sgt Mary O'Donnell Lt Agnes want my case Dismissed My Opposition

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Punches Patient 17,670 YouTube Views

Filing next part of lawsuit against NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, head of Internal Affairs Charles Campisi today and I believe what I file in my opinion ground breaking -- yes SAIC CityTime and HP 911 mentioned…

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Rudin Family Greed Condos Ad Defaced "Except a Hospital"

Whom ever had the courage to do this BLESS YOU.

Except Job!
We do not have a Trauma Level 1 Hospital like St Vincent's which had a Rape Crisis Center and AIDS care and a generator that worked during Hurricane Sandy and had the medical essentials to deal with victims of terrorism

Mike Bloomberg, Scott Stringer (Stringer gets celebrities to back him that do not understand he sold us out just like Quinn - truly all involved sick greedy and stupid.)

Rich greedy stupid real estate greed no different than Bernie Madoff like John Sexton the Jon Corzine of NYU -- NYU made off with our neighborhoods.

Rudin Family Greed Condos Ad Defaced "Except a Hospital"

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Video 17,824 Stops The Violence


Dr Fagelman DID NOT FIRE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What does that say about him?

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Video 17,824 Stops The Violence   ---- Delita Hooks has a daughter.   Has she ever pulled her daughter's hair or slapped her daughter?  Has she thrown her shoes at other victims and landed a running punched.  She also kicked me and repeatedly attempted to kick me.  Delita Hooks was confident she could walk in to the police station and commit another crime filing a false cross complaint.   She even had someone ghost write a letter to the NYPD agreeing to drop charges and threatening me if I came back and file assault charges which I am doing in 2014.  She says she will file another (false) cross complaint. I was turned away from upgrading the assault charges by her NYPD protectors at the First Precinct.

Delita Hooks in her "cocktails" article -- says she wants to be Coco Channel --- Coco Channel may have slept with the Nazis but she never punched a customer.


NYPD Ray Kelly Charles Campisi Det John Vergona Det Andy Dwyer Lt Burgos Sgt Chen DI Ed Winski IAB Sgt Mary O'Donnell Lt Agnes want my case Dismissed My Opposition

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Punches Patient 17,670 YouTube Views

Filing next part of lawsuit against NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, head of Internal Affairs Charles Campisi today and I believe what I file in my opinion ground breaking -- yes SAIC CityTime and HP 911 mentioned…

I want to thank you for helping to push this YouTube up to 17,600 views.  I did not post it until 4 days after I was savagely assaulted and than my attacker Dr Andrew Fagelman's receptionist office manager who I now learned was 32 years old and at least 135 lbs when she attacked me punching me, ripping out my hair and pulling and pulling with all 135 pounds of her roid like rage at my hair harming my neck permanently.   

Please continue to help the video go viral.  Be proud you never punched a customer.   Who yells at a medical patient You have no rights, who are you?  Only Dr Andrew Fagelman's receptionist office manager Delita Hooks.  She violated my patient rights and my body repeatedly and than when I went to the NYPD they fixed and than I went to Internal Affairs and they fixed it for the corrupt cops and Delita Hooks so now I am suing the cops and yes I hope in a year to two to sue Dr Fagelman.  I did not put this video up until 3 days later when I got the very cyber stalking abusive comment I allege to be aggravated harassment and possible witness tampering as well as fact -- what they posted along with the cunt calling lawyer are blatant lies.




Click the link above to see criminal report -- I filled out the form almost a year later when thanks to one honest cop I got her complaint number.  A False Cross complaint is a serious crime -- 1 year 14 days later no arrest.

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Punches Patient 17,670  YouTube Views

I lost a lot of weight fast and than gained a lot of weight.  I have permanent damage to my eye and most likely will need a 2nd surgery to remove scar tissue to my eye, damage to my neck and more nerve damage, PTS and trauma from her, learning the women lied about me who are in the video shouting no Dee don't do, Dr Fagelman not firing her and the NYPD and IAB role have damaged my life and traumatized me.

My Father knew all of this before he died which is 2 weeks ago

Mike Forsythe Bloomberg News Learning about Mayor Bloomberg and Gang Killing News Stories

Mike Forsythe Bloomberg News Learning about Mayor Bloomberg and Gang Killing News Stories

Bloomberg employees finally learning the TRUTH about Mike Bloomberg censorship and guess what The NY Times, The NY Post, The NYDN, and the NY media kill  news stories like a serial killer to protect big money, "The Brand", media owners investments to political agendas….  READ the tweets on this article.  Ask Rupert Murdoch, Mort Zuckerman and what's his name from The NYTimes for a comment!

Mike Forsythe leaves Bloomberg, as do others


Bloomberg News ended its culture coverage today. Godspeed to all my great colleagues.