Monday, November 9, 2009

November 4, 2009 Suzannah B. Troy receives a congratulatory telephone call

Yet another letter the NY eminent domain Times refused to publish that was visionary based on election results. Submitted the day before election
"Earth to Joyce Purnick" and it should have said "Earth to The New York Times" as well.
Pre-Keller the paper published a significant amount of my letters...

I don't fix the typo but I prefer imperfections to not reporting the news which all the media that endorsed Mike Bloomberg was pretty much guilty of ...

I also wrote a piece about "Mike Bloomberg is like Peter Sellers in Being There but above average intelligence" but we are all living it and it is more horror than comedy.

Let us face it -- when Mike Bloomberg says "Progress" that means get your moving van.

In his acceptance speech, Mike says he is going to work twice as hard! Does that mean we have to pay him two dollars a year?

The New York Times reported he is 5 foot 8. I wrote them a letter. Does that measurement include his crown? They didn't publish that one either. When I confront Mike Bloomberg on The John Gambling Show two years ago which is archived Mike says in response to me "Just a few people feel the way Suzannah feels." November 3 he had to give up his state of denial at least for a few minutes to realize millions of people feel the way I do.

Mike Bloomberg hired his very good friend, the worst city planner in NYC's history mega millionaire socialite city planner Amanda Burden. She would prove to be the people's BURDEN tearing down our historic neighborhood causing massive displacement as she aided and abetted developers with sky piercing mirrored building that reflect a history destroyed and communities no longer welcome. The mirrored buildings are a narcissist's wet dream, Amanda the socialite, the people's Burden and Mike Bloomberg's wet dream. Our nightmare.

My letter in The Village Voice....letter of the week....if more isn't done to preserve our historic neighborhoods and our communities, you will have to visit a recreation in a museum or Las Vegas.

The editor picked the title "Carbon Copy" and that is the NYC Amanda Burden and Bloomberg have bequeathed us, a soulless empty shell of a city, all smoke and mirrors like the empty p.r. machine that even the press sold out and bought in to only to be exposed as one giant "flim flam" man at 10:00PM November 3 when they had to eat their was not a landslide victory but the opposite...neck and neck, to close to call. The press had made sure not to cover my art work and my opposition that was a resistance that grew like a wild fire on YouTube so it was a pleasure to see them exposed as they had to openly admit the truth...which I talked about endlessly on YouTube...the people's anger... could not be ignored...voter apathy yes...nothing new but voter anger was something that press covered up as if they were living in Bloomberg-ville not NYC and they all had to tell the truth report the news...finally.